Wednesday, June 3, 2009

8 weeks old

It's already 8 weeks.

Baby E likes to be held,

loves to listen to and watch the bigger kids.

likes his bouncy seat,

likes a clean and dry diaper.

Is happiest in the morning,

has figured out a routine - sorta...

It seems to be interrupted by school and errands.

Has learned to smile, make cute noises,

find his favorite faces, bat at toys and be adorable.

Likes to sleep with a blanket on his cheek,

or swaddled - but not too swaddled...

Dislikes too much carseat, not getting attention,

Really dislikes the Binki.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a lot like Jude Man (except the binki dislike). Maybe it is a third child thing! Love his cute face :)
